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CBILS & BBLS: The Complete Guide

If your business borrowed under the CBIL or BBL schemes, you may now be struggling to repay your loan. This can have serious consequences for your business and, directors personally. Download this guide to discover everything you need to know about CBILS and BBLS.

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What is included in this guide?

Repayment Terms

Find out more about how and when you have to repay your CBILs/BBLs loans. This includes interest free periods, payment holidays and more.

How You Can Spend It

There is a great deal of confusion about exactly how you are allowed to spend these loans. Discover what you can use your loan for and, what happens if you misspend it.

When You Can’t Repay

Although these loans are government-backed, they can still have serious consequences for businesses and directors. Find out what happens when you can’t pay.

Your Personal Liability

Despite largely being business debts, there are various circumstances that can see directors be made personally liable. Find out how to limit your exposure.

Case Studies

These case studies look at real-life situations involving CBILS & BBLS loans. They show what can happen in the worst-case scenario and how to avoid this.

Your Questions Answered

In this section, we answer some of the most common questions surrounding these loan schemes and what they mean for businesses and directors.

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Every year, we cover this topic because it remains one of the biggest – and most silent – struggles for business owners. Sleepless nights, cold sweats, and the relentless mental spirals surrounding business debt, personal guarantee exposure, and financial collapse….

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